Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The Godfather Response

Part 1:

I am glad that I got the opportunity to see this movie in this class.  This movie is often portrayed as a "classic" which I never got the opportunity to see.  That being said I enjoyed The Godfather, although there was not much that really stood out to me.  I did like how much the story tended to focus on developing the characters.

Part 2:


Part 3:

I don't think that the fact that the story of the film is told from the inside is what gets this considered as a "classic".  I personally think that what makes so many people like this film is the development of the characters, and the interactions between them.  I also think that a film is a "classic" if enough people like it, so in that respect it should be called one.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

42 Response

Part 1:

I surprisingly liked this movie.  Although I usually don't enjoy sports movies I was still able to find this one entertaining, because although it was a sports movie it focused more on the characters rather than baseball.

Part 2:

I think that Jackie Robinson helped this country, but it wouldn't have been different if he had not played baseball.  Robinson was able to show people more about equality, but if he didn't have the opportunity to play the US would probably still be in a very similar position to where it is now due to other civil rights movements.   I disagree with the quote "a life is not important except the impact it has on other lives", because although it might not be important to other people, it is most likely what the person living it wanted to do.

Part 3:

Jackie Robinson's values can be very important in life.  Using these values can help get past obstacles because they help you to be strong, and not be swayed by what is going on around you.  This allows people to really do what they want to do in life.