Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The Gladiator Response

Part 1:

     Generally I thought that The Gladiator was a fairly good movie.  It did a good job of communicating the story of Maximus in a very engaging way.  On the other hand I found some of the scenes (especially ones that included slow motion) to be a bit hard to follow.  I also found that while the generic story of Rome was not terribly inaccurate, it was somewhat unbelievable that a single man, who was a slave, would be able to defy the emperor of Rome.

Part 2:

     I'm not sure what theme to give this movie, because as I was watching it I wasn't analyzing it for one.  Although I'm sure that there are many themes that could be pointed out in this movie I just personally can't see any right now.

1 comment:

  1. I get your point, but certainly a great deal of analysis is not needed to attach a theme to this film, even in the most general sense. In addition, try to be a bit more specific in part one by pointing to a few specific things. I'm looking for some depth in your overall analyis.
