Sunday, April 26, 2015

United 93 Response

Part 1

I enjoyed the movie United 93, although it is not the kind of movie that I would normally watch.  Unlike many movies that we have watched this year United 93 is not as much about the characters as it is about the story.  Because of this, the movie was able to change its focus to better detail the events of that day.

Part 2

I don't think that I was filled with hope or despair after watching United 93, however it did make me think.  I though about how I would have reacted if put in a similar situation, which is something I can never truly know.  I also thought about how unprepared the US truly was for attacks on home soil.

Part 3

I think that they mean we should never forget what happened, in relation to the attacks.  When we were attacked the US was caught with our guard down, so I think that they mean we should never allow that to happen again.

The Lone Survivor Response

Part 1

I only saw the first half of this movie, and from what I saw I didn't really like it.  I felt that the characters were fairly underdeveloped and that there was not very much story going on.  I also felt that in many of the scenes it was hard to tell what exactly was going on which left me more confused about the movie.

Part 2

I think that the greatest pitfall of not portraying real events accurately lies in the hands of the film makers.  The film makers are ultimately responsible for communicating to the public how accurate the movie is and if they do not do that it is a problem.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

The Hurt Locker Response

Part 1:

Overall I enjoyed The Hurt Locker, but there were things that I liked and didn't like about it.  I enjoyed the overall story of the unit, and the problems that they faced in the war.  I also think that the movie did a good job of portraying the war itself, and what it was like for the soldiers.  I didn't really like the protagonist of the film however.  I understand that in the beginning of the movie the audience was not meant to like him, but unlike most people I don't fell that the movie ever actually undid that for me, which detracted from the experience.

Part 2:

I don't think that the film had a very big effect on me.  However, I think that the most memorable scene for me was the one where the company is hiding out in a ditch for what appears to be most of a day in a combat situation.  This was memorable for me because I think it really gave a good idea of what these soldiers had to go through in the war.

Part 3:

I think that the Hurt Locker is meant to mean the struggles of the soldiers deployed in Iraq.  The soldiers had to be constantly alert, and always be scared that they could loose their lives.  There was also lasting mental symptoms such as PTSD, and many soldiers were unable to adjust back to normal civilian life.

Apollo 13 Response

Part 1:

I really enjoyed watching the movie Apollo 13.  As a kid I always used to want to be an astronaut and have been really interested in space, so anything having to do with space automatically gets extra points from me.  I mainly enjoyed how rather than choosing to focus on one of the more successful launches in the Apollo Program this movie chose to show the one that didn't work out.  I also liked how the movie showed the many problems that the astronauts faced, and how they had to go about fixing them, such as the air filter breaking.

Part 2:

I think that the theme of this movie is to not give up.  This is a fitting theme becasue despite the countless problems that the astronauts of the Apollo 13 mission faced, they never had the option to give up, and that ended up saving their lives in the end

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Parkland Response

Part 1:

I thought Parkland was a very well produced movie.  I really enjoyed how much attention to detail went in to making this movie very accurate, while still making it feel like a movie and not a documentary.  This amount of detail really let you connect with the characters in different ways than other movies.  I think that I would probably recommend this movie to anybody who is interested in the Kennedy assassination, and wants to see it through a different medium.

Part 2:

I was unable to get in contact with a relative that was alive for the JFK assassination at the time of writing this, however after reading a few other responses to this question I think that I have a bit of an idea of the general consensus.   Most people seem to have been at work or school when they heard the news, and generally stopped what they were doing when they found out.  It didn't seem to have that big of an impact on most people's daily lives, but did get them to think a bit more about their safety.

Kill the Irishman Response

Part 1:

I really enjoyed Kill the Irishman.  I think that it did a good job of conveying the story of Danny Greene in an interesting manner.  There were very few dull moments in the film as it was fairly short, but I also see that as a bit of a downside because I would have liked to know a bit more about the story of Danny Greene.

Part 2:

I think that I would describe Danny Greene as a man who gets what he wants.  I think that this shows how determined to do whatever he is going to do no matter what stands in his way.  This can be seen in how he takes on the Italian Mafia in Cleveland, which was a huge power at the time.