Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Parkland Response

Part 1:

I thought Parkland was a very well produced movie.  I really enjoyed how much attention to detail went in to making this movie very accurate, while still making it feel like a movie and not a documentary.  This amount of detail really let you connect with the characters in different ways than other movies.  I think that I would probably recommend this movie to anybody who is interested in the Kennedy assassination, and wants to see it through a different medium.

Part 2:

I was unable to get in contact with a relative that was alive for the JFK assassination at the time of writing this, however after reading a few other responses to this question I think that I have a bit of an idea of the general consensus.   Most people seem to have been at work or school when they heard the news, and generally stopped what they were doing when they found out.  It didn't seem to have that big of an impact on most people's daily lives, but did get them to think a bit more about their safety.

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